Tax Filing

Every individual must file the Federal income tax return, if his income is taxable and above a certain level. However, the tax filing amount may vary depending upon the tax filing status, age and the type of income. Every tax payer is eligible to claim a standard deduction. The standard tax deduction and exemption amount increases every year for inflation and is fixed by the government, right before the tax filing session.

If your income is equal or less than the sum of exemption and the standard deduction is not taxable, then you are not required to file a return during that particular year.

There are years when you are not required, but want to file a tax return.You should file a tax return to get your money back, if federal income tax was withheld from your pay. For example : if you are a single tax payer who earns $5000 during a particular year with $600 withheld for federal tax, then you are entitled for a complete refund of $600, since you earned less than the standard deduction. Note: IRS does not issue refunds without filing a tax return.

If you have at least one qualifying child and you did not get the full amount of Child Tax Credit, then the refundable credit, which is known as Additional Child Tax Credit, can be availed by you.

Making Work Pay Credit: You may be able to take this credit, if you had earned income from work. The maximum credit for a married couple filing a joint return is $800 and $400 for other taxpayers.

If you do not earn much, you may qualify for EITC, which stands for Earned Income Tax Credit.

Health Coverage Tax Credit: Certain individuals, who are receiving Trade Adjustment Assistance, Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance, or pension benefit payments from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, might be eligible for a Health Coverage Tax Credit, worth 80% of monthly health insurance premiums when they file their tax return.

What we can do for you

IRS filing is unique and one of the most important tax services that we offer to businesses and individuals. With the ever changing tax laws, IRS taxation can be a hectic task to deal, but we at Quick Bookkeeping services offer you the best tax planning and consulting services, to minimize your tax filing amount and save your hard earned money to grow as a business or an individual at whole.

We as a fulltime CPA firm help you to get your business organized and prepare accurate tax returns, so that we can grow together.

So, stay worry free and concentrate on your core business; our professional experts are always around to take care of everything related to taxes.

Our tax filing services include some of the great features such as:

1: Personal & Business Tax Return Preparation

2: Strategic tax planning

3: Electronic filing

Contact Now

Why you should call us: Because every business is different and hence the requirement varies from business to business so that we can evaluate your business requirement and give you the best fitted solution.

Every business grows but the one which has a strongest accounting backbone grows even faster and sustains as a leader in the market

We will resolve any issues faced by you.
